
Screen Shot 2015-06-29 at 1.36.54 AM

Alongside You is now open in Ladner, BC!

We’re ecstatic to announce that we have secured our new location in Ladner. We’re at 203-4840 Delta Street, in the beautiful building you see in the picture above! We’re on target to open our doors August 1st, 2015 and we’re in the midst of renovations as we speak.

What you need to know!

  • We are taking referrals for counselling!
  • We are open even before we have our new offices!

We are excited to bring on our associates starting this Fall. Currently, Andrew is available Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays with the following schedule:

Monday – 5pm-10pm at his current office at Cedar Park Centre – 5300 44th Ave, Ladner BC V4K 1C7

Thursday and Friday – 9am-5pm at his office at Cedar Springs Counselling – 11295 Mellis Drive, Richmond, BC V6X 1L8

Once our new offices are open, Andrew will be available Monday-Wednesday including Monday evenings.

We’ll be posting more information in the coming days, and there is much more exciting news to come including more about our other associates and their services, and our Creative Arts program which is something we are incredibly excited about.

Stay tuned!

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