Alongside You Is Expanding – Check it out!

Alongside You Is Expanding – Check it out!

There’s a lot of excitement around here at Alongside You! Anyone who knows us well knows that we’re always looking to fill gaps, improve services, and find more ways to help our community. This is why we’re expanding! Here’s a taste of what’s been going on, and what to expect in the coming months!


Brand New Yoga Studio

Surprise! We’re almost finished building our new yoga studio (the trim is being put in as I write this). Why are we building a dedicated yoga studio you might ask? Aren’t there enough around already? Well, in short – no, there aren’t enough, and they aren’t like ours is going to be. We’re providing a different service here at Alongside You, and we need a space that reflects that. We focus primarily on yoga therapy and trauma sensitive yoga here in our clinic, and our studio will be set up as an ideal environment for these highly personal, individual sessions with our lovely Brenna Jacobson. As great as our art studio and private offices are, they aren’t ideal for this kind of work so we’re creating what is needed to serve our clients better.

What about yoga classes you might ask? Well, we’re going to have those too. But they’re going to be different. We’ll be focusing on small class sizes, because we hear time and time again that the size of classes is overwhelming for people. We’re going to focus on specific topics and build customized yoga programs to suit. I’m not going to let the cat out of the bag completely, but we’re going to start with kids, prenatal yoga, and Hatha Yoga 101 for Beginners. Coming down the pipe are things like yoga for anxiety, chronic pain, and much more. But one thing at a time! Stay tuned to our website and social media for all the details!

We also wanted to bring the outdoors into the studio. So, as always, we’re working with the fabulous Tyler Garnham, and we’ve found an image local to South Delta that will be installed in our studio, filling up the entire north wall. This will give us, and our clients a feeling of space, and connection to our local surroundings even while inside. I can’t wait, it’s going to be amazing!

Occupational Therapy

We love our OT, Kristin Beare, but she’s busy tending to her own kid right now. Our yoga studio is going to do a little bit of double duty and be a space for our OT to work with clients. The larger space will give much more freedom for mobility-related concerns, sensory work, and so much more! We’re also building customized storage into the new wing so that we have more tools at our fingertips. She’ll be back later on this year, and I can’t wait to see what she does with the new space with her clients. Stay tuned!

Clinical Office

Ok, this isn’t super exciting to you maybe, but it’s exciting to me. We’re building a new office that is set up more ideally for neurofeedback for clients, and for our Neurofeedback guru, Jonathan Wieser. Our other offices have worked fine, but this is going to be better. It will also be used by other counsellors, which gives us more available office space and flexible times for clinicians so that we can be more available to you as we expand! Growth is good, and we’re growing our hours to serve you better!

Group Therapy

So, the studio is also going to be used for group therapy. We already run a Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) group, but we’re expanding our group therapy offerings. Between our art studio where we do our DBT, and the new group room in the yoga studio I’m pretty sure we’re going to have the coolest group therapy spaces around. Why is this important? Because I hear all the time how much our clients appreciate being in creative, beautiful spaces while they’re in our care. It makes a difference! I can’t yet reveal the new groups we’re going to be running, but we’ll be using the new space for our Adult DBT Group, Youth & Family DBT Group, and soon enough, some others!


This is awesome, so when do we get to see the new spaces and use them?

You’re not going to have to wait long! We’re opening March 1st, and our individual yoga clients will get to use the space right away, as will our neurofeedback and counselling clients. Stay tuned, because we’re opening things up throughout March for Kids Yoga over Spring Break, and following that up with Prenatal Yoga and Hatha Yoga 101 for Beginnings toward the end of March and into April.

I hope you’re excited because we are! We can’t wait to show you the new spaces, and more importantly, be even better equipped to serve you well. South Delta is our home, and we’re growing thanks to your help! Whether you’re in Ladner, Tsawwassen, North Delta, or beyond, please come check out our new digs and see what we have to offer. We’d love to meet you!

To be the first to find out about all of the new things going on, make sure you follow us online at Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.



Staff Changes at Alongside You

First, A Sad Goodbye

katie huston registered dietitian

It is with a heavy heart we bid farewell to Katie Huston, our Registered Dietitian. Katie has been with us from the get go, and has been an excellent member of our team here at Alongside You. We’re excited for her as she continues her work as the Manager of Food Services at St. Paul’s Hospital and starting her Masters degree at the University of British Columbia. We know she’ll do well and we wish her all the best as she takes on these new challenges! She will be sorely missed around Alongside You HQ.

I Know You Say Goodbye, I Say…Pause

kristin beare occupational therapist

You may have noticed that Kristin hasn’t been around the office much since June. We’re missing her while she’s on maternity leave, but happy to announce the birth of her first child, Owen! We’re not sure how long she’ll be away, but we are excited for her and her family and look forward to her return sometime next year!

Hello From The Other Side


It is with great pleasure I get to announce that we’ve hired another Occupational Therapist who has joined the team and is a great fit! Wendy Meades is an Occupational Therapist with over 20 years of experience, and also a visual artist. To say we’re excited at the possibilities would be a grave understatement! To give you an idea of the services she offers, check out this list:

  • Fine motor skills enhancement
  • Improving printing skills
  • Sensory issues for kids
  • Self care skills
  • Wheelchair/Equipment needs assessments
  • Home/building consultations to make spaces more accessible
  • Ergonomics assessments

This list is not exhaustive, so if you have questions about how she can help, please give her a call at (604) 283-7827 ext. 3, or through our contact page!

Spring Break Printing And Fine Motor Skills Camp

printing and fine motors skills camp

Spring Break Printing And Fine Motor Skills Camp

Dates: March 21-24, 2016 (4 Sessions) – $175+GST


Ages: 6-7

Location: Ladner Baptist Church – 5624 Ladner Trunk Road Ladner, BC V4K 1X4

Does your child have difficulty using scissors, colouring, or printing legibly? This camp is specifically designed for children who may require a little extra support with their printing and fine motor skills.

Activities will be fun, developmentally appropriate, and use multisensory strategies to reinforce learning and increase motivation and confidence. Each child will be provided with their own workbook to use during the camp and keep afterwards.

All sessions are instructed by a registered Occupational Therapist who has been trained in the Handwriting Without Tears® program.

Features of the Camp:

  • Fine Motor Skills (hand skills)
  • Visual Motor Integration (eye-hand coordination)
  • Motor Control (control over the pencil)
  • Bilateral Integration (use of both hands)
  • Efficient Pencil Grasp
  • Upper Case Letter Formation Review
  • Lower Case Letter Recognition and Formation

For more information, please contact Kristin Beare, OT at 604-283-7827 or kristin@alongsideyou.ca

Spaces are limited! Only 4 spots available!

Caregiver Burnout – 3 ways to avoid it

caregiver burnout

Caregiver Burnout

Taking care of your loved one can be a rewarding experience, but the demands of caregiving can also be overwhelming.  If the stress of caregiving is left unchecked, it can take a toll on your own health, relationships, and state of mind — eventually leading to caregiver burnout. Some signs that you may be getting close to burnout include:

  • You find yourself withdrawing from your friends and family.
  • You lose interest in activities you used to enjoy.
  • You feel blue, irritable, or hopeless.
  • You notice you’re losing or gaining weight.
  • Your sleep patterns are changing.
  • You get sick more often.

When you’re burned out, it’s difficult to do anything, let alone look after someone else’s needs.  Here are some tips on how to take care of yourself in the midst of taking care of another.

1. Take time for yourself 

Taking time for yourself every day — even just a few minutes — is one way to help you recharge. Some examples to try:  do some gentle stretching or yoga before breakfast, go for a 20-minute walk or nap, see a movie with a friend, or pursue any hobby you love.  Taking time for yourself will help reduce your stress, recharge your batteries, and ultimately make you a better caregiver.

2. Know your limits 

You cannot provide good care if you are exhausted and stressed out. Learn when to say no to others (and to yourself!) Practice limit setting on small things. It’s OK to say no to contributing to the school bake sale or dog-sitting for your neighbour. Listen to your body and pay attention to the physical messages it sends you (e.g. difficulty sleeping, weakened immune system, changes in appetite, etc.)

3. Develop your own support network and don’t be afraid to ask for help

Find someone you can trust – whether it’s a friend, co-worker or neighbor – and talk to them about your feelings and frustrations.  Make a list of people you can call when you need a break or help with day-to-day needs.  Joining a caregiver support group can help you manage stress, locate helpful resources and stay connected with others.  Look into different resources that are covered by MSP or your own extended health care. There are a variety of resources and organizations in place to support caregivers that may include:

  • Private care aides
  • Home Health services (Fraser Health)
  • Adult day care
  • Respite care
  • Support groups

Remember, taking care of yourself is not a luxury, it’s a necessity! Avoiding caregiver burnout depends on it!

Some Local Resources: 

Delta Caregivers’ Education and Support Network 

The Centre for Supportive Care
4631 Clarence Taylor Cres.,
Ladner, BC V4K 4L8
Contact: 604-948-0660 or info@deltahospice.org

Adult Day Centres

Adult Day Centres

Deltaview Adult Day Care

Fraser Health – Home and Community Care 

Fraser Health Home and Community Care

Fraser Health Caregiver Support

Home Health Service Line: 1-855-412-2121

Let us help!

If you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms, or just need a helping hand, we’d love to talk to you. Kristin Beare, our Occupational Therapist and the author of this post is available to meet with you to assess the situation and help you find ways to manage your stress and continue your caring!

Give Kristin a call at 604-283-7827 or send her a message using our contact form!

Want more information on Occupational Therapy?

Occupational Therapist Information night!

occupational therapy information

Occupational Therapist Information Night

Meet the OT!

Come spend some time with Kristin Beare, our Occupational Therapist, for an interactive and hands-on glimpse into the world of occupational therapy!

  • Try your hand at different therapy “games”
  • Practice using adaptive equipment aids
  • Test your own cognitive skills … and more!

This is a free event, and a great way to meet Kristin and learn more about the types of services Occupational Therapy has to offer. We hope to see you there!

Date: January 19, 2016 

Time: 7:00pm-8:00pm

Location: Alongside You – 203-4840 Delta Street, Ladner


Positive Changes in your Day in 3 Easy Steps

positive changes

3 Ways to Spark Positive Changes in Your Daily Routine

We’ve all been there. You’re stuck in a rut and each day feels like the one before it. There are positive changes you know you want to (or should) be making, but even thinking about them can be overwhelming. Being healthy is a lifestyle choice and one of the best ways to improve or maintain your health is to find small, simple ways to make positive changes that promote wellness for your mind, body and spirit. Here are some quick go-to tips that I’ve learned in my work as an occupational therapist that will help you spark some positive changes in your daily routine.

1. Start small.

Begin with small activity changes. Set your alarm for 10 minutes earlier than usual. Try a new food for lunch. Drive a different route to work. Swap out 30 minutes of TV for that new book that’s been sitting on your nightstand for months. While they may seem like insignificant actions on their own, changing up your ‘usuals’ will help spur positive changes elsewhere. Small changes can help ease you into it, if you are like most of us and sometimes struggle to break out of old routines.

2. Don’t try to do it all at once.

This goes hand-in-hand with #1. It can be easy to get into an all-or-nothing mentality. For example, waking up two hours early to make it to the gym, swapping your steak for a vegan diet, and deciding to teach yourself knitting in time to knit your entire family sweaters for Christmas, is too much to try to take on at once. Even though you may meet all of these goals for a day (or two), chances are, you will not be able to sustain all of these new changes and will feel even more discouraged than before you started. So rather, pick one or two positive changes at a time that you can see yourself maintaining long-term.

3. Be accountable.

Tell someone about the change you’re trying to make. Recruit your partner or a friend or coworker to join with you. Having someone who can ask you how your change is going and encourage you along the way will help keep you motivated and focused. Make a to-do list at the beginning of each day and include your small activity change(s). Having a visual reminder will help you be accountable to yourself and there is something incredibly satisfying about checking off the box once it’s done!

Last but not least

Lastly, stick with it and build upon your success! There is truth in the saying “old habits die hard”, and creating positive changes in your daily routine is an ongoing process…not a quick fix. Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day making your new change – rekindle the spark and start fresh the next day!

Want some help?

If you’d like some help making positive changes in your life, give Kristin a call at 604-283-7827 or book online today!