

What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback, also called Electroencephalogram (EEG) Biofeedback, is a brain training that uses both computer and EEG technology to help our brains perform optimally. Many conditions may be a result of our brains not functioning at their best, and neurofeedback helps our brain train to regain its optimal function.

It seems that our brains require the ability to transition to and from various mental states to perform specific tasks many times throughout the day. These states correspond to the production of particular EEG wavelengths. Problems in the form of unwanted symptoms occur when the brain becomes “stuck” in a particular state. This can be observed in depression (often observed as an imbalance of excessive slow-wave activity), as well as stress and anxiety (disproportionate fast-wave activity), by way of example. Healthy brains retain the ability to flexibly move from state to state when called upon to do so. Neurofeedback can train the brain towards increased flexibility and reduced “stuckness.”

Healthy brains also exhibit traits of resilience, that is, the ability to ‘bounce back’ from difficult life circumstances, lack of sleep, and exposure to harmful substances. Neurofeedback can also train the brain to become more resilient against neurological consequences associated with these, and other kinds of undesirable conditions.

How does neurofeedback work?

Our neurofeedback is dynamic, and trains the whole brain, promoting overall flexibility and resilience. Because it is a whole brain training, it is not a specific treatment for a specific symptom. Rather, it is a training that helps the whole brain become more flexible, healthy, and efficient. Therefore, any unwanted symptom that is related to the brain not functioning at its best may be helped by neurofeedback.

This form of neurofeedback is based on the clinical evidence and research showing that the brain is quite capable of changing itself if it has the correct information. During neurofeedback, our system will monitor your brain 256 times per second through EEG and evaluate its operation. Based on the evaluation of your brain, it will set thresholds that the brain should stay within. When your brain goes outside of these thresholds, the system will provide feedback to your brain about its position on the various wavelengths through interruptions in the audio track and video stream. Since these interruptions are paired with your own specific brain activity, your brain knows to connect the dots and will now have the information about its position on the various wavelengths, and will adjust itself.

An analogy that many of our clients find helpful in understanding neurofeedback is our experience while driving. When we drive, we’ll often move slightly too far over to the right, and our tires will cross the shoulder line, and we’ll hear the noise of the rub strips, or hear gravel under the tires. When we hear this noise, we naturally move over to the left automatically. We don’t have to think about it, we don’t have to manually go through steps to figure out what to do, we just automatically know that we are out of place, and need to move back into our lane.

This is what neurofeedback does for our brain. It signals to our brain, “You’re over here,” and our brain instinctually takes that information and responds, “Oh, I’m over here and I should be over there,” and adapts accordingly.

How long does neurofeedback take to work?

While every brain is different and may require different frequencies of sessions, the most common frequency with the best response both in research, and in our experience is training twice per week in our in-office sessions. This can certainly be adjusted and changed depending on how the brain responds, your own availability, and many other factors. Once per week is what we’d suggest as a minimum frequency. We find that clients notice results far faster with twice per week training, and if training is spaced out to less than once per week, results are much harder to track and harder to notice.

A helpful analogy is to view our brain training similarly to training our muscles at a gym. Going to the gym in any capacity is likely to be beneficial. Going once per week, you’ll certainly notice a difference, but if you go twice per week you’re going to notice results much faster. All this being said, we will be happy to design a training schedule that fits best for you.

Our home rental program can also be a good option to train multiple family members, or to train more intensively. How often you can do the training at home will depend on how your brain responds. Some people can train daily, some find every other day best, and some find a different schedule is most helpful. We can certainly work with you to determine what schedule may fit your situation and needs, and are happy to receive feedback while you’re training and provide input on your scheduling.

What conditions can neurofeedback help?

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • ADHD
  • Trauma and PTSD
  • Mood regulation, particularly in autism and Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Chronic pain management
  • Hypervigilance and racing thoughts
  • Stomach and Gastrointestinal issues
  • Cognitive impairment and Dementias
  • Stress Reduction
  • General wellbeing and overall health
benefit from neurofeedback


Neurofeedback is a non-invasive alternative to those who react adversely or fail to respond to mainstream treatments or those who prefer self-regulatory intervention.

It is particularly appropriate for those who have not responded well to pharmaceutical interventions, who have experienced unwanted side effects resulting from medication use, who are pregnant and therefore do not want to take medication, or who would prefer a non-chemical intervention. Neurofeedback recruits the brain’s own neuroplastic mechanisms, essentially training it to function more adaptively.  Similar to learning anything new, the effects of training are sustained such that approximately 12 – 25 sessions on average is the best estimate of the number of sessions needed in most cases. As with any sort of treatment, the complexity and other factors influence the course of treatment and so individual results may vary as will the course of treatment.

Neurofeedback can restore optimal sleep-wake cycles, stabilize emotions, and reduce cravings.  As the brain is returned to optimal functioning, becoming increasingly adaptive and resilient, symptoms are reduced.

Because neurofeedback trains the brain toward optimal functioning, this procedure is useful for a wide variety of individuals looking to increase their performance in sports, at work, academics, or general quality of life.


Thank you so much for letting us use this machine. It was game changing for our son. We are so grateful we got the opportunity to use this.

 With Gratitude,

The P Family

How Effective is Neurofeedback?

    Neurofeedback can be very effective in relieving symptoms across many conditions. The changes can be very subtle at times, but very significant. A young man came to us with significant generalized anxiety. He had tried medications over the years, and some helped, but the side effects were no longer tolerable. He did neurofeedback daily for a month using a home rental, and after 2 weeks, he wasn’t sure it was helping. After a short discussion, he realized that he no longer felt like he had a 100lb weight on his chest while driving to work. After a month, his generalized anxiety was far less significant and was not interfering in his daily life.

    I’ve always been a proponent of cutting-edge research and interventions in our work to help people live their best lives possible. Neurofeedback is an amazing tool that has so many benefits, it’s almost unbelievable. By helping the brain train to run be more efficient and healthy, we can access the biological mechanisms at work behind many mental health and physiological conditions and provide relief. We can also access the Central Nervous System (CNS) directly to provide relaxation and relief from stress. It’s no secret that stress is at the root of many conditions, whether causing or exacerbating them, and by providing relief to the CNS, and training to the brain, we can provide great relief to our clients.


    Co-Founder, CEO, Clinical Director
    Registered Clinical Counsellor, Registered Marriage and Family Therapist, Neurofeedback Practitioner


    We use a variety of empirically validated tools to monitor your progress including but not limited to, scales for anxiety and depression, ADHD, or other areas that monitor longitudinal change that you will also have access to as a client to see your progress.


    At your first appointment we’ll do a thorough assessment of your current situation and discuss what you’re hoping to get from neurofeedback. We’ll answer any questions you have about neurofeedback and explain any of the processes you might have questions about. Based on this interview, a decision will be made about what tools to use for monitoring and whether in-person or at-home neurofeedback training is best suited for you, and the options for each. Your baseline screening will take place at this appointment so that we can track progress over time effectively.

    If there is time at this appointment, you’ll also complete your first neurofeedback session. Our goal is to make sure that we have a good understanding of your hopes for neurofeedback, that we answer any questions you might have, and that we set up a program for your success with this incredible tool.


    We also have a home program available for those who cannot travel to our location, or would prefer to do their training at home. Visit our Neurofeedback Home Program page for more information!



    Alongside You is pleased to provide neurofeedback services local to Tsawwassen, Ladner, Delta, Surrey, and Richmond at our office located in Ladner, BC. Our At Home Neurofeedback Program is available to anyone across Canada.


    How does neurofeedback work?
    Neurofeedback is a brain training that uses electroencephalogram (EEG) and computer technology to monitor the brain and provide feedback on its functioning to train the brain for better health and optimization.
    What type of neurofeedback do you use?
    We use dynamic neurofeedback at Alongside You. Dynamic neurofeedback trains the whole brain based on real-time EEG data and feedback. This form of neurofeedback does not use qEEG and brain mapping. For more information, please see our blog post on this topic.
    What is Neurofeedback therapy used for?
    Neurofeedback therapy can be used for any brain-based condition including, but not limited to anxiety, depression, mood disorders, sleep disorders, stress reduction, adhd, autism, bipolar disorder, dementia, brain injury, concussion rehabilitation, migraine headaches, learning difficulties, and more.
    Is Biofeedback the same as neurofeedback?
    Neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback, called EEG Biofeedback. EEG biofeedback is used for neurological conditions such as anxiety, depression, mood disorders, sleep disorders, stress reduction, adhd, autism, bipolar disorder, dementia, brain injury, concussion rehabilitation, migraine headaches, learning difficulties, and more.
    How does neurofeedback work for anxiety?
    When we are anxious, our brains are not functioning at their best. Neurofeedback will monitor our brain and train it to regain optimal function, which should help alleviate the anxiety symptoms to the degree that they are related to brain functioning.
    What is the cost of neurofeedback therapy?
    The cost of neurofeedback varies by method and between clinics. Individual sessions, as well as home rentals, will be priced differently. What is important to know is that neurofeedback is not a fast solution, it takes time and training, and financial investment.
    How many neurofeedback sessions do you need?

    Because every brain is different it is impossible to predict with certainty how many session will be needed. A helpful analogy is training your body at the gym – everyone builds muscle mass at different rates based on their own individual physiology.

    In general, approximately 12 – 25 sessions on average is the best estimate of the number of sessions needed in most cases to achieve noticeable and lasting results. As with any sort of treatment, the complexity and other factors influence the course of treatment and so individual results may vary as will the course of treatment. 

    Does neurofeedback work for autism?
    Yes, neurofeedback works for autism, particularly helpful with emotion regulation, sleep disturbances, and anxiety reduction. Neurofeedback will not cure autism, but it can help with many of the psychological effects that autism can have.
    What are the side effects of neurofeedback?
    Dynamic neurofeedback does not have side effects. While there is some possibility of side-effects with linear neurofeedback where clinicians manipulate the brain on particular wavelengths, dynamic neurofeedback simply provides the brain with information so the brain can change itself.
    Are there oils or other animal products in the conductive paste?
    No! We’re happy to say that we use a water-based, animal testing free, conductive paste in all of our neurofeedback sessions. The glycerin in the paste is vegetable-based, and the paste itself washes away with water very easily.


    If you are interested in working together, take the first step today by sending us an email or giving us a call!
    We will get back to you as soon as we can.