Nicole Salas
Client Care Team
Client Care Team
I really love what Alongside You does for the community, and am interested in pursuing a career in counselling. So I thought this was a great fit to gain experience in this field! I am also from Ladner and am excited to be working in my own community. I joined in the summer of 2022.
What would you be doing if you did not pursue the career path you have right now?
If I was not pursuing the career path I am right now, I would probably be taking some time away from school and work to travel and experience different parts of the world, in order to gain a better understanding of different cultures and places.
How do you relax when you are outside of work?
When I am outside of work I enjoy playing sports and being outdoors. Some activities I enjoy are hiking, playing softball and thrifting!
What do you consider the most important value?
The most important value for me is gratitude and being appreciative for the things I have in my life.