
Geoff Michell



Associate, Registered Clinical Counsellor

Registered Clinical Counsellor


Special Interests

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), Mindfulness-based CBT, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)



  • Bachelor of Arts (BA), Psychology, UC Berkeley (USA)
  • Master of Arts (MA), Clinical Psychology, Simon Fraser University


Professional Registrations & Certifications

  • Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) with the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors (BCACC). RCC #10250.



About Geoff

I have over 15 years of counselling experience helping people to make important changes in their lives. Change involves first building a deep and compassionate self-understanding, so we can find the choice points in our lives to practice new ways of being. As Carl Rogers said, “When I accept myself as I am, then I can change.”

I am generally working from an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) framework. ACT presumes that all thoughts, feelings and behaviours are understandable and that treatment involves working towards building a rich and meaningful life, rather than “fixing” people. ACT is both deeply client-centred and yet also supported by extensive research. Change in ACT is driven by each client’s personal values, so that life feels more vital and purposeful, rather than pushed around by feelings or unhelpful thoughts.


I have spent many years providing psychotherapy in the mental health system, treating individuals struggling with a variety of mental health conditions, including anxiety, panic, OCD, PTSD, depression, as well as personality disorders. I also have worked for a number of years with individuals with acquired brain injury (including concussions and traumatic brain injury). But, no matter what diagnosis a person comes in with, I’ve worked hard to always see each person in his or her totality.


When and why did Geoff join Alongside You?

I joined the team in 2018. I was wanting a new adventure with more flexibility than is found in the mental health system.


What skills does Geoff need for his role at Alongside You?

Humility, patience, curiosity, compassion, and often when the road is hardest, humour.


What does Geoff love the most about Alongside You?

A willingness to help any good idea happen.


What would Geoff be doing if he did not pursue the career path he has right now?

Perhaps if I was truly brave/foolish, writing.


How does Geoff relax when he is outside of work?

When I’m not climbing mountains, or fighting wildfires, I am usually doing underwater yoga — who am I kidding, I’m exhausted after work and kids. It is a lot of watching Netflix and relaxing for my wife and me! Although, I love a good book, a walk in nature, or a easy conversation with a friend.


What does Geoff consider to be the most important value?

While compassion, openness, humour and wisdom are all cherished values, it is in the spirit of adventure that I find myself most vital and alive. Adventure can be found in the stars, the sea, in a book or in a conversation. It is about a willingness to explore and grow, even if frightening or painful. It is in our adventures that we truly discover our fullest selves.


Interested in hearing more from Geoff?
You can read his blog posts here.