
therapeutic yoga at alongside you

Introduction To Therapeutic Yoga

Wednesday July 20th,  7:00-8:30pm

Location:  Alongside You – #203-4840 Delta Street, Ladner

Presenter:  Brenna Jacobson, Registered Fitness Professional, Therapeutic Yoga Instructor

Cost: $20 (plus GST) each participant

Click here to register now!

Curious about Therapeutic Yoga and whether it’s for you?

Come and join in this informational workshop that will explain how Therapeutic Yoga supports your individual needs. You will have the opportunity to ask questions, and experience some examples of what it involves as you are guided through some of the techniques used in specific circumstances.

We believe that this workshop will be eye opening as you discover this profoundly useful tool in restoring harmony and balance into your life.

Partners are welcome to attend. Private sessions available upon request to provide ongoing guidance for physical and emotional support.

** Please bring your own yoga mat **

Have questions? Please call Brenna at (604) 283-7827 ext. 8 or email brenna@alongsideyou.ca