objects as art
objects as art
objects as art

Zooming In!

“I often painted fragments of things because it seemed to make my statement as well as or better than the whole could.”

– Georgia O’Keeffe

Objects As Art

This week we are going to examine objects in great detail and from every angle. By capturing their texture and shape, we will begin to see an object’s natural and simplistic beauty. Early twentieth century American artist Georgia O’Keeffe explored flowers in this way, zooming on botanicals as if viewing them through a magnifying lens. She is best known for her paintings such as her oil on canvas, Oriental Poppies (1928). O’Keeffe used vivid colours to create amplified and abstract botanical representation on a large scale. Choose from our collection of still life objects and botanicals and try a detailed study for yourself!

For more information on Geogia O’Keeffe and her career as an artist, visit: Georgia O’Keeffe on the web

“I decided that if I could paint that flower in a huge scale, you could not ignore its beauty.”

– Georgia O’Keeffe

objects as art
objects as art
objects as art
objects as art