chantelle phillips counselling intern

Dr. Catalina Zilveti


Supervising Psychologist

Supervising Psychologist

Special Interests

Children, Teens, Adults, Parents, Depression, Anxiety, Phobias, Life transitions, Stress, PTSD, Trauma, Neurodivergence (ASD & ADHD)



  • Doctorate of Psychology in Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.), Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology (New York, USA)


Professional Registrations & Certifications

  • Registered Psychologist #2897, College of Psychologists of BC (CPBC)
  • Certificate from DDI (Developmental Dimensions Inc) in presentation and communication skills, San Francisco, CA (1998).
  • Certificate in play therapy tools and techniques, Santiago, Chile (2010).


Advanced Training

  • Human Capital Seminars, ICARE – Santiago, Chile (1997-1998)
  • Ethical issues in therapy/client relationships, Santiago, Chile (2011)
  • A Systems approach in individual therapy, Santiago, Chile (2013)
  • When Love Hurts anti-violence training for helping professionals, Vancouver (2023)


About Catalina

For reasons unbeknownst to me, and as far back as elementary school, I have always had the desire to help people, particularly little people.  I remember reading books about therapists who worked with children and how these children were able to thrive and grow with the help and guidance of these therapists. I knew, without a doubt, that this was what I wanted to do in my life. It felt like a calling. I decided to study clinical psychology with an emphasis on children. To this day, I feel truly privileged and fortunate to be able to work in a field I absolutely love, one which is deeply fulfilling. At the same time, my own personal experiences, together with having lived in 5 countries, have taught me much and allow me to relate to clients, little and big, from different cultures and of diverse backgrounds.  I often find myself telling clients, if it matters to YOU, it matters – you matter.

When and why did Catalina join Alongside You?

I joined Alongside you in July of 2023 because their mission resonates with mine. Alongside You’s desire to accompany people of all ages on their life journeys, to help them and to do so in excellence, with true caring and compassion, deeply speaks to me.

What would Catalina be doing if she did not pursue the career path she has right now?

I would have chosen something in a similar profession in helping others, perhaps becoming a social worker or a counsellor. For a while I also thought of becoming a professional theatre singer, but the desire to help others was stronger.

How does Catalina relax when she is outside of work?

I am an avid road cyclist and love riding long distances, particularly with climbs – I love the challenge and knowing I can get anywhere on my 2 wheels. Being outdoors recharges me. I also love hiking with my family (husband and 2 boys) and curling up with a good book and an espresso.

What does Catalina consider to be the most important value?

It is hard to choose just one. I really value honesty and trust as I believe they are the foundations of all relationships.


Interested in hearing more from Catalina?
You can read her blog posts here.