creative arts ladner
creative arts ladner
creative arts ladner

Seeking inspiration for your creativity? Looking to unload some stress and get your motivation back? Our open studio has a wide range of materials and art activities to offer. We have designed a few ways to get the creative juices started!


This rolling cart holds 6 easy to grab trays. Each tray has a different type of art medium with instructions and supplies. This gives you a feel for certain materials. Simply try it and then select another!


This zippered pouch contains photographs, magazine clippings, graphics, and designs. Pick two images at random and choose one of the images to work from. Get started by sketching, sculpting, painting, or doodling by using inspiration from the image you selected.


There is no place better to start then still-life objects. Select from a variety of still-life objects from around the room and from our yellow curio box of treasures. Sketching, shading, and contouring are great places to begin before painting or attempting larger scale pieces.

Inspirational Books

Flip through our wide variety of books to get some inspiration. We have a wide variety of books: how-to books (on painting, drawing, journalling, card-making etc.), adult-colouring books, and art-related books (on artists, graphics, art-topics etc).

There are so many ways to access your imagination, you just need to start somewhere!

creative arts ladner
creative arts ladner
creative arts ladner